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WAVE PLATES (Retardation) Download PDF document

Our wave plates (retardation plates or phase shifters) include octadic waveplates (1/8 wave plates),quarter wave plates(1/4 wave plates), half wave plates(1/2 wave plates) and full wave plates. The waveplates are widely used in synthesis and analysis of light in various states of polarization.

The 1/2 wave plates are used to change the plane of polarization through an angle 2q toward the optic axis if the optic axis and incident plane of polarization is q . Therefore, 1/2 wave plates can be used as continuously adjustable polarization rotators. The 1/2 wave plates can also change left circularly polarized light into right circularly polarized light or vice versa

The 1/4 wave plates convert linearly polarized light to circularly polarized light or vice versa. When a 1/4 wave plates is double passed, i.e. by mirror reflection, it acts as a 1/2 wave plates and rotates the plane of polarization to a certain angle, i.e. 90 degree. This scheme is widely used in isolators, Q-switches, etc.

The phase retardation is generated by the velocity difference between the ordinary and extraordinary beams in the birefringent plate, i.e. Quartz plate. The phase retardation can be controlled by the thickness of the plate. Our wave plates are classified into multi-order, low-order, zero-order and true zero-order waveplates by the thickness or order of the phase retardation (see further details in the following pages). To suit different applications, air spaced, glued or optically contacted Zero order compensated phase retardation plates are available.

We supply dual-wavelength waveplates, eg. 1064 nm (full wave) + 532 nm (half wave), as the polarization rotators for third harmonic generation (THG-PR) or other applications.

If your qty more than 1000pcs,we will offer you a unbeat prices.

  Multi-Order Waveplates λ/2, λ/4 (Prices List Download for this series)
  Zero-Order Waveplates λ/2, λ/4 (Prices List Download for this series)
  Achromatic Waveplates
  Dual-wavelength Waveplates (Prices List Download for this series)
  Wavepaltes Holder  


Product Index

Multi-Order Waveplates
Zero-Order Waveplates
Achromaticr Waveplates
Dual-Wavelength Waveplates
Waveplate Holders






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  For more information on product,please contact our product manager Mr.Grand Liu by email: info@ultiquestcom.com

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