Biconvex lenses have positive focal lengths and form both real and virtual images.The most common biconvex lens is the symmetric-convex (aka equiconvex) lens, which has an identical convex surface on both sides of the lens.
At unit conjugate ratios, coma, distortion, and chromatic aberration almost exactly cancel out due to the symmetry. They are recommended for virtual imaging of real objects and for use at positive conjugate ratios ranging from 0.2 to 5.
Laser focusing and receiver singlets have a different radius of curvature on each surface and are best-form shape at infinite conjugate ratio for the specified wavelength
An uncoated lens can reflect up to eight percent of the incident light. To reduce this reflection, antireflection coatings are often added to both lens surfaces. Most plano-concave lenses are available with a variety of antireflection coatings.
